november, 2016

29nov10:00 am- 11:15 am「舞」得講 2「愛跳舞」 - 開放平台


Event Details

IMG_0141 IMG_1973


道盡舞蹈體晤,闡釋創作歷程,講講藝術哲理。   *現正招募「愛跳舞」人類,提交「愛跳舞」計劃…! i-舞蹈節(香港) 2016 邀請編舞及藝術家推介自己創作的作品,同時藉著與其他藝術家交流以擴闊視野。你可以選擇以展演或演講方式,將創作經歷濃縮呈現。屆時i-舞蹈節(香港)2016將邀請各級監製及總監出席欣賞,有興趣一展閣下的最新作品或帶我們回溯你的舞蹈歷程,來「愛跳舞」—開放平台展示你的才華! 説不定下一個星級製作就在這裡敲定!  


  The Influence of Digital Humanities Practices on the Choreographic Process Eugenia KIM (南韓) Dance is an ephemeral art that can be difficult to preserve and share over time without changes taking place. New developments in technology, however, make this process easier to accomplish as well as impacting the choreographic process. One of these developments is the interdisciplinary field of digital humanities. Ms. Kim intends to talk about how being a digital archivist/humanist has influenced her creative process, her experience creating a dance piece with the intention of turning it into a digital humanities project, and further expanding possibilities using medical humanities methodology to create dances about mental health issues.   Tunnel Doyu KIM (南韓) I am a girl looking at you. I am an ash and wind blows me away to strange space. I am a haze hiding into the air. I walk with fear and touch my heart still beating. I am a shadow of water. I am a sound of tube. I am an eye of darkness. I live with flesh swallows sweet flavor loneliness. I am water surrounding your toes playing in the shallow stream. I am wind touches your hair of calves. I am a light shining in your finger tips.   How music inspire movement and how movement relate to music Sui Ming CHU (香港) All bending, turning and elevation of the body, the instrument of motion, is filled with dynamism. How music's dynamism inspire our movement quality and choreography.   郭曉靈 (HK) 關繼延 (HK) 黃冠彪 (HK) 馮炳輝 (HK) 楊振業 (HK)   [vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title="立即報名!" style="flat" color="juicy-pink" align="center" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-thumbs-o-up" link="||target:%20_blank|" add_icon="true"][/vc_column][/vc_row] [vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title="提交「愛跳舞」計劃!" style="flat" color="mulled-wine" align="center" i_icon_fontawesome="fa fa-commenting-o" link="||target:%20_blank|" add_icon="true"][/vc_column]

截止日期: 11月14日


(Tuesday) 10:00 am - 11:15 am


演講室, 葵青劇院